Google Insults Christians with Easter Doodle; Boycott Adwords

April 1, 2013

Google Doddle with Cesar Chavez on Easter, no Adwords

While the main stream Media rarely calls out Google for their dishonesty and other less than moral actions; they (Google) got caught with egg on their face with their doodle featuring communist Cesar Chavez dressed in white on Easter.

Many such as myself initially thought this maybe an early April Fools joke, but it was not.

While others also might find Cesar Chavez a hero, the facts, especially for those with ties to family farms, was that he was a communist sympathizer who had a hatred for the American Capitalist system
From Chavez:
“Until the chance for political participation is there, we who are poor will continue to attack the soft part of the American system – its economic structure. We will build power through boycotts, strikes, new union – whatever techniques we can develop. These attacks on the status quo will come, not because we hate, but because we know America can construct a humane society for all its citizens – and that if it does not, there will be chaos.”

Fast forward to Eater 2013, while Google has never made a doodle at the very least wishing well their Christian friends on Easter, they clothe a communist in white in almost a Jesus like aura and place it on their home page; HOW INSULTING!!!

Then there is this (from Fox News; Google creates controversy with Cesar Chavez doodle):
“Google defended the decision by saying it reserves the spot for historical figures and events, but a review of its past doodles shows it has never honored Jesus on Christmas or Easter, despite his historical and spiritual significance to billions around the world.”

What can we do if you are offended by this action?
For one STOP using Google search, their are many better search engines such as Bing, DuckDuckGo or Blekko.

Better yet, if you run a business that advertises via Google Adwords (such as I do), at least send your Adwords administrator an email stating how you feel, then “Pause” your Adwords for a day, a week, whatever you feel conformable with.

Also consider joining this Facebook Page:
Boycott Google Search

For those not familiar with Google’s lack of integrity, I should tell you this is nothing new.
However this is NOT a surprise for those familiar with their Plagiarism in the name of their extremely dishonest Adsense division, and their lies about their Algorithm updates “Penguin & Panda” which at least in my line of work I can prove is noting but a spam update that promotes “cut and paste” spam and websites such that promote such misinformation.

Unfortunately the news media and those (especially on the left) who believe everything persons such as George Stephanopoulos say, will never know or understand the truth about this immoral company.

BTW, for those at Politico and other hate filled blogs (yes I have read the comments there on this issue, so the word hate is correctly used); I do not think you understand the relationship many Christians have with Jesus, as it is not a Religion in the sense many on the outside looking in see it, rather a relationship.
As well; from my perspective, I would understand this as a simple oversight (which it clearly was not) if it were not for the extreme dishonesty practiced by this oversize gorilla of the interest.
I can state this as a matter of indisputable FACT based on their Penguin/Panda updates and the lies surrounding these algorithm updates as well as the corruption in their Adwords/Adsense programs.

*Google Penguin Spam; Is Matt Cutts a Liar?
*Testing Google new Penguin & Panda, Farmer Algorithm; Verdict, FAIL
*Google Dishonesty, Plagiarism, with Adsense, Adwords keyword bids, & More
*Aquarium Planaria; a MAJOR Fail for Google Search!
*Aquarium Lighting; another MAJOR Fail for Google Search!
*Content Plagiarism, Aquarium UV Sterilization; another FAIL for Google!

Article Base Review; articles submission

May 5, 2012

Article Base Review

I started writing for Article Base in my “green” years when first conducting my business and providing my decades of aquarium and pond experience on the internet (about 2006).

I read much in SEO forums about the importance of submission to these directories in getting your content recognized and and improving your main website and blog sites up in search engine results.

HOWEVER, over the years I have learned much and tracked many statistics and found NO BOUNCE for these articles placed on Article Base.
This includes articles from Hydroponics Lights, UV Bulbs, and much more

WHY? Well for one I started investigating and found that they have discretely placed “no follow” tags in the code (which i did not agree to).
Worse is Article Base does not ensure that those “borrowing” my copyrighted content (albeit first drafts of my constantly updated full content articles) place correct hyper links WITHOUT “no follow” tags.
Sadly I man finding my content plagiarized all over the internet, without ANY legal reference to the original source vie true hyper links. This in turn has traced back to Article Base.

WORSE, Article Base along with these plagiarizing websites use my content to place Google Adsense on, without ANY revenue sharing (which Article Base dishonestly claims that they share revenue over a certain amount of hits, which I had 1000s).
As well while all these scammers including Article Base are making money of my 3 decades of experience and 1000s of hours researched article, Google Adsense is denying my such an account and illegally not responding to DMCA complaints as to content used without proper accreditation and revenue sharing.
Then again Google’s algorithm has become nothing if a sham to sell Adsense, as exemplified by how many searches yield spam result such as the search term “UV Bulbs now yields spammy sites such as Amazon or selling light bulbs which is not a UV Bulb!!!

IN SUMMARY; do not be fooled by Article Base or any other article publishing directory; THEY ARE NOTHING BUT SCAMS!
Do yourself a favor if you have good content that others may find helpful, publish them on your site, do NOT share.
If Google Adsense denies you revenue while placing their crappy ads on your content that has been plagiarized, boycott those adverting and write them that their ads are being placed on plagiarized content and if they continue you will cite this in public view on your website.
Also directly sell Adverts on your website (there are brokers who will do this for you too).

The bottom line is you will not improve your SEO (search engine optimization) position on Google, Bing, etc with Article Base, so save yourself the time and many, many futures headaches and do NO waste your time with these people who are only there to TAKE from you with nothing in return (unless you count all the websites/blogs that will use Articles Base to plagiarize your copyrighted contnet you share there)!!!


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A couple of articles include:
TMC Vecton and Advantage UV Sterilizer Review
Unique Aquarium, Pond Information Articles;

Rude & Narcissistic Behavior, No Boundaries; Pervasive Liberal Democrat World View

November 8, 2011

Rude, Clueless Democrats, Occupy Movement, JackassUpdated 7-5-13

Based on emails, phone calls, forums, YouTube, Facebook; Rude, Condescending, narcissistic, or simply behavior without any respect for others boundaries are at an all time high.

Why?? I can only guess, but I can certainly put forth a few FACTS that one might draw conclusions from.

First though I will briefly mention what I am referring to;
I receive many “communications” from customers and non customers asking for help with certain aquatic problems, many of these persons are otherwise friendly persons.
HOWEVER often certain persons have no boundaries when comes to others time and even though I respond to initial emails 16 hours per day, certain persons will take advantage (or attempt to) of my help by refusing to read the plethora of researched aquatic information I provide to back up and provide further information to their questions, in other words to help them help themselves.

The result is further question after question, even though the article I suggested reading contains answers to these continued questions.
Worse though is when I tell these persons that I have no spent copious amounts of time I do no have (often during my little amount of family time), they actually get angry!.

A common reply is “I do not have time to read your articles”.
In there minds, my time counts for nothing?

What about my time I spent researching along with the 30 plus years that has gone into these article that are provided free of charge (no need to go to Amazon and purchase a book that is likely very much out of date and anecdotal on the subject)?
This is just one common example.

Although thankfully not a daily occurrence, but downright rude emails still occur with regularity where we provide a plethora of information, documentation, cite references, etc., YET these persons still feel the need to challenge our/my responses in very condescending and rude manners.
Aquarium Lighting & correct UV Bulb replacement are common subjects of these persons.

Sometimes these persons demand we not follow the business practices we installed in 2009 after suffering through years of no profit and losses as we were attempting to be everything to everyone. In other words run our business as these demanding persons see fit.
So most of our time was in email and phone calls. The result was losses that we are still paying back to this day in loans we had to take out.
Bluntly these persons have no right to tell me or anyone else how to run my business and especially in ways we know result in losses just so to be someone’s personal answer person at no charge.

Other issues are forums especially local (which I no longer waste my time on) ignoring what I have to say.
Facebook is a place where narcissism & myopic behavior runs amuck even among otherwise “nice” persons.

I follow others posts when time allows (for this reason I try and keep my friends lists short).
Yet anything I post often updating my life’s work (which also is what pays the bills and hopefully will dig us out of the hole I have been in since being forced to move to Oregon in 2002), it is never read, “liked”, etc. but for one or two persons.

Even my niece refused to ever “peek” at any of my posts, yet were on constantly posting about her adventures.
What ever happened to looking out for each other?
I know that search engines rank these likes, so being in an online business it is important to me and it would simply be nice to have such favors returned once in a while.

Another example is a friend, who I continually like and share “stuff” for her business, and have backed at every corner, also no longer ever returns the favor, it is always all about her.
However since this boils down to a relatively minor issue compared to the above emails & phone calls; I simply do not give much credence to Facebook or go on much more that to to say happy birthday.

What are the Causes?

While the causes of this pervasive rudeness, lack of boundaries, and extreme narcissism are speculation (subjective), the facts that support this are not and are in fact objective.

So what I will give are a list of FACTS and let readers mostly draw their own conclusions.

(1)FACT; when tracking these rude and clueless (without boundaries) persons via name or any other identification to web sites such Facebook or Blogs; what I (& others) have found that over 85% display very liberal or extreme libertarian political views.
Even among the other slightly less than 15% with more so called “conservative” views who are rude, often proclaim an Evangelical religious view point.

(2)FACT: .gov and .edu emails address make up a disproportionate percentage of these before mentioned emails.
While these two email suffixes are well under 5% of are general emails (of which we receive 100s counting sales), these two suffixes make up nearly 20% of rude, & narcissistic emails

(3)FACT: When you go to liberal enclaves, especially YouTube; you will find that most of the of the insulting language and support for strange causes comes from these liberals or libertarians (such as Truthers of supporters of the Occupy movement).
As well when my videos for my business get rude or condescending remarks (that I usually delete), I look at the persons YouTube account that made such comments and sure enough in almost every instance I find a person with far left Michel Moore or “Truther” type views.

UPDATE 9/10/12

I had another demanding and clueless liberal attack me in my aquarium help email (mind you all the information was/is free), but this guy guy got demanding and insulting so I “Cut him off”, and this triggered even more demands and hate from this vial liberal.
BTW, I know his views based on statements by him, and research of him on the internet.

Here are just a few quotes from this vial/hateful liberal (he even attacked my family):
” my best suggestion to you would be……don’t have a large family if you cannot afford a bigger house”
“I could care less whether or not you make a profit on any particular transaction.”
“I have a life, as for you…..get a life!”

Interesting how I am to “get a life” when he was the one constantly demanding free help and more from me!! Typical hateful Occupier mentality!

A few Subjective Observations based on these and much of what I have seen/witnessed in life

  • With the most Narcissistic President in history along with places such as Twitter and Facebook that also champion Narcissism, I believe this to be expected.

    See: List of Obama Failures

  • Dishonest News Media.
    This same media has been able to convince many that Democrats are for the “working man” well this could not be any further from the truth other than “country Club Republicans (RINOs) also are not at all for the working man either.
    Democrat leaders seem to be only for those who blame others for their problems work the “working union man”, while Libertarians seem to think everyone is out to get them.

    As well the news media has done a good job of ignoring the facts of who the true major political contributors are, with the result being most in America falsely believe the Republicans receive the top contributions.
    See: Democrats Receive 89 Percent of Donations Made by Four Top Political Donors

  • Occupy Movement; that amount of disinformation that persons believe from this mob (mostly of thugs, but sadly made of up many “good persons” that are so woefully unwise as to the facts of business finance and much more about life and believe anything the left leaning media tells them)
  • YouTube; there is probably no more better forum for sleaze other the owner of YouTube; GOOGLE which is a corporation that would not know honestly if it hit them in the face with their rampant plagiarism of small businesses and small entrepreneurs.
    See: Google Lies, Dishonesty, Plagiarism; Adsense, Adwords & Google Search Fail

    Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg, is another example of a condescending narcissist

  • The education system itself which although many will disagree, it is over paid in my view based on “market value” of the work they do.
    Tenure is the primary evil as I have seen the good teachers that were not tenured let go at our local schools
    As well, going back to my school days I had a downright evil teacher put me down in class in the 4th grade only to have this ridicule follow me to my High School Graduation. She should never been allowed to teach and had she worked in the private sector she would have been fired immediately.

This are just a few opinions of mine, others may draw different conclusions, however the facts noted earlier speak for themselves

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