Vile and Hateful Comments, Member of Reef Central; JPMagyar

Vile, bully, Hateful Persons, Joe Peck of Reef CentralWhile JPMagyar (Joe Peck) may have a beautiful marine reef aquarium and has had this aquarium for at least 13 years. I will also credit him with an incredible system that likely keeps water parameters at their best and uses one of the most proven Metal Halide lights. This one aquarium does not make him an expert and in fact what he has as per his beautiful reef aquarium would not be all that difficult to replicate for anyone of his “means”.

With this though, he seems to think he can attack others with his hate filled diatribes, as if he knows them or their expertise counts for nothing.
Keep in mind too that the Reef Central internet forum he resides at is well known in professional aquarium keeping circles as place where facts are often attacked via “Ad hominem” attacks by SOME members while ignoring the science such as in the use of True Level 1 UV Sterilization for disease prevention (although honest moderation is clearly lacking here).

Back to this member of Reef Central, he sent me personally a vile and hateful email where he judged my character while not even considering my life’s works maintaining and setting up literally 1000s of aquariums professionally since 1978 and as a hobbyist going back to the late 1960s. These contracts include major entities such as the famous Bahooka Restaurant with over 100 aquariums or a contract with Disney.

This man also sat in judgment of my character with his vile and hateful comments all the while he sits in his nice home while he wants for nothing (yes I have seen his pictures on the Internet).
All the while he calls me “corrupt” for my “snake oil” sales tactics even though I cite science as well as years of hands on experience and even many controlled tests in many of my articles such as UV Sterilization.

Meanwhile what has this so-called corrupt “snake oil salesmanship” brought me?

  • Since I have always placed others over my wants and desires; I gave up my largest account that also generated more leads than any other account (the Bahooka Restaurant) because one of the owners was making sexual innuendos toward an employee and others there refused to correct the situation.
  • I have also turned away many sales and contracts after telling persons that they do not need what they think or were told they need
  • After my wife suffered from severe postpartum depression that resulted in a hospital stay and Psychopath taking advantage of her, my daughter, and our finances, I still stood by her and gave up my two favorite hobbies to this day (20 years later); skiing and flying
  • After issues came to a head with the before mentioned Psychopath after a revelation from my then 9 year old daughter, I elected to leave everything behind including my aquarium maintenance/design business and store.
    During this time, I consulted a lawyer who advised chapter 7 bankruptcy so as to not carry the tens of $1000s of debt incurred by the event of this man and my wife’s postpartum depression.

    HOWEVER, I chose to leave my business running since my lawyer noted that all jobs would be lost as the banks liquidated the business for assets. Employees asked me to try and leave these jobs in tact, but in the end one couple I trusted stabbed in the back and stole considerable assets and client accounts from me. Thankfully my maintenance/design business was partially spared by a very loyal employee.
    But in the end I lost much while trying to place others above $$$.
  • Over the years I have always treated employees with respect, often resulting in many employees thanking me many years later when looking me up.
    As well I have often paid employees better than myself, which the employee who took over my maintenance company noted that he made more when working for me with less responsibility than when he was just a manager of the aquarium maintenance and design business
  • I still to this day live in a 950 square foot house, that is very old, drafty and with many constant issues.
    I still give much of my time to others, often helping freely 7 days a week with nothing in return.
    As well my articles that I still spend considerable time in keeping up to date are read by 3000 or more persons per day, while less than a fraction of 1% ever purchase from me, so I get little in return other than vile comments by persons such as this member of Reef Central

I guess in the end, this is what corrupt persons do, huh Sir????

See also:
Isaiah 5:20

Here is a comment he sent me three years ago.

“I am shocked and dismayed by your site. I am also saddened at the “Snake Oil” salesman approach and the number of folks out there who will be fleeced by your supposed knowledge. You make me sick. LEDs are only good if you can target the responsive wavelength needed and given the absolute lack of data on various coral responsiveness to prescribe such a narrow band of light as a universal solution is daft or corrupt so given the strength of you written word I realize you are not daft so that leaves corrupt. Show me a neon-red Stylophora frag grown under white and blue LED lighting for 3 years then come talk.”

Below is a recent comment JP made on a friend’s website/blog that was forwarded to me.
Obviously he forgot about his own comment to me, since it has been three years and many are keeping corals under LED lights. This is not to say the Metal Halides he uses are not excellent as these are in many cases still the best, but T5s, who is he kidding with the wealth of science and results in both freshwater planted and marine reef aquariums?

“One of the greatest travesties of our day is that anyone can create a fancy webpage and come off as a expert. LEDs are a disaster for the saltwater aquariuum. Can they work? Yes. But in the hands of a new aquarist they kill far more corals than they grow and they look hideous but because new entrants are pushed towards LEDs they never have a chance to compare the relative aesthetics of T5 or metal halide. I can only hope that no one is actually reading and believing your drivel

Now I get it you work for Aquaray the worst LEDs on the market by a mile. You can’t keep an SPS under ANY Aquaray. What a joke this site is . . .
Wanna see a real tank and talk to a real aquarist come to and search for JPMagyar and look for my thread :JPMagyar’s 240. A Decade of Work.
That’s how aquariums can look if done properly and not with joke lighting like an Aquaray.
Aquaray . . . over AI you have got to be kidding.”

Sorry, my friend did NOT go over to Reef Central and read your self promotional material, nor will I.
His comment about the AI versus the AquaRay is also another Straw Man argument and the article he questioned this about presented the scientific evidence that the Aqua Illuminations is clearly not the best, but he rejected it by his usual baseless Ad hominem attacks.
As for who my friend works for, just a little reading would show he is a writer with a keen interest in the aquarium hobby who himself has been involved for about 10 years and he is a person who actually respects others research and has read, learned, and even changed his opinions (as have I) many times when new facts have come to light (such as I have in Lighting, Redox, and other aquarium keeping subjects).

I think my previous paragraph is the key; this man clearly does NOT read others writings, as he cannot even find the most basic of information about myself or my friend, let alone science, as it is all all about his self absorbed fantasies about himself.
While my friend is more private other than very basic information about himself, since I have been in business for some time and have authored many articles, much about me is available and easy to find but for some of the more intimate personal details of my life.
So in the end, this person had no excuse for the vile comments he launched my way.

I will not go into too many details to refute this mans hateful words, as so much evidence has been presented to the contrary of what he has said (I will provide links to some articles further down in this post), but I will point out another interesting piece of information for him and others who make assumptions of their integrity about others that they disagree with.

Since he has been convinced by one of the sponsors of Reef Central (Aqua Illuminations) that their LED is among the best, and while I know little other than the scientific evidence to refute this thinking, I do know about one of their other sponsors and that is Ocean Revive/Evergrow (they are one in the same) and that the regional salesperson for these that goes into these forums lives in a VERY posh residence.
One might ask why to I bring up this seeming “Straw Man” argument?
Well since JP and others too have attacked my credibility in articles such as lighting since I sell “AquaRay” or other items that have met my testing and others I respect testing as well, it is noteworthy that when I do my make the occasional sale, I make little as evidenced by my near sparce living conditions, while other Aquarium Reef LEDs provide a MUCH more comfortable profit margin where by they can live much more opulent lifestyles.
So one has to use some basic Economics 101 logic and realize that these products that often sell for less than the AquaRay, MUST then use some rather inexpensive parts and construction methods, WHICH THEY DO!!
As these other LEDs do not have patent rights, which cost the “big bucks”. Just look at your new prescriptions versus ones out of patent, and as well the fact these other lights use the MUCH less costly current reduction method of driving/controlling their LED versus PWM, this shows this to be a fair reasonable conclusion and NOT a straw man argument.

As a side note, I am not attacking the regional salesperson for Ocean Revive, in fact I applaud his success, I only bring this up to point out the simple economic FACTS that you can make high profits, sell low and still maintain quality!!

Here are just a few references to refute this mans comments.
One certainly can reject or accept these articles and the further resources cited, but resorting to personal attacks that even then have no basis in fact is both rude and vile.


After circulating what this man sent me three years ago to others in the professional aquarium keeping community, I was not shocked when he spread his hateful words to others once again in an attempt to bully others.
So rather than just warn others in my circles of what kind of person this man is, I will let others who are interested how this bully treats persons behind closed doors that he disagrees with.
If one just reads his writings, you would not know what a bully with his hate filled comments he really is in how he treats others with contempt. Unfortunately he makes downright hurtful/evil assumptions of others character without investigating anything about others he makes such pronouncements.

I have saved his comments to me, and those forwarded to me by my friend should he continue to make such libelous accusations and should legal action be needed in the future, as maybe having a court take some of his “stuff” might make this person more humble.

4 Responses to Vile and Hateful Comments, Member of Reef Central; JPMagyar

  1. […] Vile and Hateful Comments, Member of Reef Central; Magyar […]

  2. trigger334 says:

    So the guy keeps one aquarium and he’s a pro? Sounds like 10 years has gone to his head. Try keeping 1000s of aquariums over three decades, now that will keep you on your toes. This guy is from Reef Central, so this does not surprise me. JP based his argument off 1 freakin’ coral! The wavelengh in LEDs are known by many to grow all sorts of corals. bout 99%. I’d say that successful. Sounds like the guy is more a LED critic more than anything and is taking it out on you…I know this guys is in the wrong because what he says about AquaRay. Many aspects make them one of best on the market, which shows me he has no clue what he’s taking about. He might know a thing or two about tanks, but not lighting. People put some real science behind LEDs and he’s telling these people they’re a joke. Take a picture of someones set-up and put it on a popular website…They get big heads and become jerks. JPMagyar is not exception, but a shinning example. Have a good life mr. JPMagyar

  3. fishservice says:

    This person is typical of Reef Central. This is a forum that will constantly attack the person rather than the facts, whether it be LEDs or UV Sterilizer use.
    What is unfortunate is this tone is all too common on forum that confuses many aquarium keepers.
    Worse, is the fact when information that contradicts what they want persons to believe is posted, their “link police” come to the rescue.

    This forum would due Putin or Stalin proud with their behavior

  4. […] I have already dealt with Reef Central and a members personal attacks on me and a friend in this previous post: Vile and Hateful Comments, Member of Reef Central; JPMagyar […]

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